Wednesday, July 9, 2014

May The Mouse Be With You...Always.

Hello!  I won’t even go into how long it’s been.  Trust me, I know.

I’m going to try to knock out a couple of more updates before I checkout.  “Whhaaaatt?  You’re checking out already?!”  It’s already been six months, how crazy is that?!  I’ll be home in less than a month! 

So, down to business.  My home location is Island Mercantile at DAK but, occasionally, Disney will pull you from your location and deploy you to where you are needed.

Thanks to Carey, who backed out of volunteering for Star Wars Weekends, I was volunt-told to go.  So I spent Friday through Sunday for five weekends in May and June working at Hollywood Studios.

It was basically the greatest thing ever.

Soundstage 1, which used to be used as a real soundstage, is a giant warehouse located between Toy Story Mania and Studio Backlot Tour.  In modern days, it is where special events are housed.  Currently, it is “Wandering Oaken’s Trading Post” for Frozen Summer Fun but, only weeks ago, was Darth’s Mall!

Imagine working in a giant, super air-conditioned room where all of your co-workers and customers all have the same interests as you not to mention it’s filled to the brim with merchandise for that interest.  That pretty much sums up Darth’s Mall.

There was also a really cool refreshment bar inside called "Ackbar Snackbar."  If you didn't laugh, you officially lose your Star Wars Fan status.

 I can honestly say I was excited to go to work on the weekends. 

But, wait!  There’s more….

Like Aurebesh name badges... (I got two: Jedi Master and Rebel)

And FREE Lego X-Wing Fighters...

And cool food…

And even cooler popcorn buckets and drink steins!

If you can’t tell, I spent a lot of my free time (and money!) at Star Wars Weekends as well. 

I caught the motorcade and did some of the other festivities but what I got really into was the characters.  I literally met everyone (not counting Clone Wars characters) with the exception of Jango Fett.  And I’m usually not a Meet & Greet person.

(Nearly) all of the characters I saw were a blast to meet.

I say nearly because I have never had a character Meet & Greet as bad as Vader’s.  I waited over 30 minutes only to be brushed off, barely got a crapselfie (as seen below) and no PhotoPass picture.  I spent less than 30 seconds with him.  I was fuming, not gonna lie.

But everyone else pretty much made up for it! 

The Skywalker Family was gorgeous and perfect.  Leia complimented my dress and fussed over my Jedi Master status (I wore my name badge).  Padme Amidala was, just, perfect.  I could hardly handle it.  She kept dropping sly comments about her love and respect for the Jedi Order and its members.  I nearly couldn't contain my laughter.  Anakin was flawless and, as my coworker said, "you could cut yourself on that jawbone."  He was quite charming.  But it was Luke who stole my heart.  I am not someone who gets worked up over characters and, I'll admit, I'm not the biggest Luke Skywalker fan.  Despite this, I full-on fangirled.  Don't ask me why, I do not know.  But let's just say I have a new reason to keep an eye out for Peter Pan in the Festival of Fantasy Parade. ;)  He also asked me "Aren't you a little short to be a Jedi Master?"  I may have actually died.

Surprisingly, none of these were my top favorite Meets.  

#3 - Darth Maul.  You know that feeling when you're up and close and personal with a dangerous animal and, while you know that you are there voluntarily and that they aren't actually going to hurt you, you're still scared half to death and ready to bolt?  Yeah, that is exactly how I felt meeting Darth Maul.  I probably spent five minutes with him.  Much longer than any other character. 

#2 - Boba Fett.  Until working the event, I had no idea the obsession people had with Boba Fett.  I've always liked him fine but never quite saw why everyone else adored him so much...until meeting him.  Holy cow, I'd been warned he was a flirt but thought the same thing I'm sure all of you are: "how flirty can someone in mask who can't talk actually be?"  Let me tell you, incredibly so.  I present to you a new power couple and my new ship: 

And...#1 - Chewbacca!  First, I walked up to him and he tackles me in the biggest bear-hug (Wookie-hug?) imaginable.  Then he grabbed my autograph book, signed it, and all but tossed it to the attendant before hugging me again.  I proceeded to ask the greatest question ever: if I could get selfie.  He stole my phone, snapped a couple selfies of himself before raising the phone up at full arm's length (which is seriously about 8 feet in the air), grabs me in yet another hug and took them for me!  He gave it back, pulled me into one last hug before waving me off.  It was amazing.

That's about it, folks!  Star Wars Weekends-wise anyway.  I intend to do a backstage tours post as well as one more generic update post before coming home!  Fingers crossed that they actually happen.  

Love you all and hope to hear from you!


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Another Rainy Day with the Mouse


I know, I know, know.  It’s been FOREVER.  I always used to judge the writers whose blogs I would read and be terribly disappointed when the updates stopped once they arrived down here.  What I didn’t realize is exactly how little free time one gets on the Disney College Program. 

I usually work between 45 and 55 hours every week and only ever get one day, Tuesday, off.  I keep saying that I used to think I knew what exhaustion was.  I was very wrong.  It’s not as exciting as one would think.  Work is…good.  Not necessarily fun or incredibly enjoyable but I like it and my coworkers are great.  My days typically go as follows: sleep late, get ready for work, work from 1:00 or 2:00pm until 10:00 or 11:00pm (they money room trained me meaning they get to keep me FOREVER every night), come home, chat with roomies and eat dinner around midnight then finally fall into bed between 1:00 and 3:00am aaaaaanndd repeat.  Thrilling, huh?

I’ve really hit my stride at work, though.  I’ve earned a lot of respect from the coordinators and managers (proven in the fact that they trained me to handle money) and it’s been hilarious to me how that, and getting a new nametag that says “Memphis, TN” instead of “NW Mississippi CC”, has made the older Cast Members treat me differently.  It’s not that they treat CPs badly…they just treat us like silly party kids who are only here to goof off.  It’s nice to be spoken to as an equal. 

I sold the very first Retail MagicBand at Creature Comforts!  It was very exciting.  I got a card that said I was officially part of Disney History and everything.  And I found out yesterday that MagicBands are actually made in Memphis!  How cool is that?

A lot of you have inquired exactly where it is that I work so I drew up a handy-dandy map!

I work both register and stock and (unless they switch me) I know ahead of time whether I am on Island side (Island Mercantile, Creature Comforts, Creature Cart, or Baby Care) or Outfitters side (Outfitters or Tree of Life Cart).

You can tell it's Springtime at DAK (Disney's Animal Kingdom)...BUNNIES! EVERYWHERE!

Bit of trivia: Have you ever sat on one of the benches?  Did you know that they are made from approximately 1,350 recycled milk jugs a piece?  That's a lot of milk. Also, those obnoxious straws that tend to collapse on you mid drink?  Yeah, they aren't made of paper like most people think.  They are made from potatoes.  Yep, you heard me correctly.  It's in case one of our thousands of animals that run around (like the bunnies above) get a hold of one.  They'll digest it just like they would a french fry.

 Soooooo... Shortly after my last update, I was at work and may or may not have gotten injured.... It wasn't that bad (I didn't need medical attention and it's already healed and gone) but there was a lot of whoopdedoo to do about it and we had previously been several months incident free.  Oops?

Oh, I know it's long overdo but thank you so much to Ryan, Anne and their wonderful family for visiting me at work!  I love seeing familiar faces.  Doesn't happen often.

I do have my share of fun, though (when it's not raining on my day off LIKE IT HAS FOR THE LAST THREE WEEKS).  I still haven't gotten to fully experience the Flower and Garden Festival at EPCOT but the small taste I got was amazing.  I couldn't get over all the topiaries, exhibits, sights, sounds, smells.  I always thought I liked the Food and Wine Festival best at EPCOT but I think this may have proven me wrong.  For those of you who have never been, it is Disney World's big Spring Celebration.  There are shaped topiaries of all different characters all over the park.  I only took pictures of a few of my favorite but there were many more.  There are also vendors who sell Spring like things.  I got some all-natural beauty products but they also had garden ornaments, displays on aquaponics, and my favorite was these two sisters who create "Fairy Houses."  They had several in and around the butterfly exhibit including one designed just for Tinkerbell!  How do you think it compares to the movie version?

I've also met lots of characters!  Went to several Welcoming Events as well as the United Kingdom themed DCP Spring Diversity Event where we had lots of good food, classic songs from the UK played and lots of characters!  Met Mary Poppins, Burt, some dancing penguins, Alice and the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter and I got the rare chance to meet Merida and Queen Elinor together!  

We finally checked out Storybook Circus in Magic Kingdom.  There we met Donald and Goofy!  We also met Russell, from Up, when we became Senior Wilderness Explorers at DAK!  Carey and I decided we were determined to complete the Wilderness Explorers' Handbook so we teamed up with Lauren from work and did so in two days.  We almost completed it in one but it was just too much for one day.  If you decide to come to DAK, with or without kids, make sure you check it out.  It's a blast and it's a great way to make sure you see everything.   

This guy wasn't an official character but I had to get a picture with him.  His cosplay (costume-play, for my non-geeky readers) of Burton's Mad Hatter was flawless.  Down to the bandaged fingers.  I was incredibly impressed.

We have fun. There's no denying it.  It may be spread out but my roommates, coworkers, and I have a blast.  Especially when we all hang out together.

I love my roommates.  I really do.  I lucked out, that's for certain.  I know way too many people who don't like to spend time with their roommates but we hang out constantly.  

Here are a few examples why I adore them so:

I emerge from my room only to, literally, fall to the floor laughing because Katie was curious to see if she fit in my duffle bag.

I got this snapchat after hearing this conversation happen in the kitchen:
Katie: "Am I in that?!"
Carey: "What? No!"
Katie: "Yes, I was! I saw you licking my head!"

Katie and I were lamenting that we couldn't get a pet so we bought Baby Tree!

And, best of all, we can't get enough of the Mad Tea Party.

Hopefully, next time I'll update quicker.  I still intend to share everything I learned during my backstage tour of Expedition Everest!

Love you all and have a Happy Easter!

Monday, February 10, 2014

First Month with the Mouse

Hello, hi, greetings!  Yes, I am alive and well!  I apologize for the long gap between posts.  It just takes a lot of time and energy (which seem to never coincide).  Not to mention I really didn’t think anyone read that last one….

It’s been a crazy month.  I can hardly believe it’s been a month!  Part of me feels like we just got here and the other part feels like we’ve been living life here for years.  But a month it has been!  In that month, there have been a few not so great moments but it’s been a mostly good experience!  It’s a lot to do and even more to learn but it’s a satisfying feeling to know you’ve done your part well in keeping the massive machine that is Walt Disney World running.  

Yesterday was actually a really bad day.  Worst day yet, in fact, but they are few and far between.  Most of my leaders, managers, and coordinators are really nice.  A few have even been surprising because they didn’t come across that way in first encounters but have proved to be wonderful resources when you need help.

My coworkers are very nice as well!  It’s nice to have Carey there as a familiar face among the crowd and I’ve made several friends.  Almost all of the CPs (College Program participants) have arrived by now but most are still in training or just finishing up.  It’s funny to encounter someone with one of my trainers so you feel comfortable to walk up to meet the new CP and they are so intimidated by you because they assume you’re a seasoned veteran and not almost as fresh off the farm as they are.  I even have a couple of CPs who look to me for all the answers and I’m just, like, “Don’t ask me! I don’t know any more than you do!”

Okay, so I’d probably worked at Creature Comforts half a dozen times (for an hour a two a piece) before I looked up and noticed the giant Princess Atta! 

We can just pretend I'm more observant than that.

Overall, I think things are going pretty well.  If another Cast Member (CM) notices you doing something that goes above and beyond, they can get a leader to give you a card called a Fanatic.  I’m actually not sure if they mean anything but, so far, I’ve received three and given two!  It’s actually more fun to give one than to receive, I’ve discovered.  Carey was a bit put out I didn’t give one to her (she says as she already has three herself).

We have four different positions you can be assigned to for your shift (one per shift unless you have a split shift): Island Register, Island Stock, Outfitters Register, and Outfitters Stock.  Island is the more involved, bigger, and busy side but, for some reason, it’s Outfitters that is the nightmare.  I’ve really only had two “bad” days and they were Outfitters days.  I definitely prefer Register, personally.  I wanted this job for the Guest interaction and you get little of that when stocking.  The best part about being a Floorstock is that you’re days fly because you’re so busy.  Eight, ten, or twelve hours tends to drag when you’re working the register or Merchantaining.

Speaking of Merchantaining, I’m pretty sure I’m going to do permanent damage to the tendons in my arm.  All of my Fanatics have been for waving to and enthusiastically greeting the Guests as they pass but three hours of non-stop waving wears your arm out, let me tell you.  After about half an hour each time, I no longer feel it or even have to think about the action but that first few minutes is torture.

OH! And a big thank you to Mrs. Arden Lindsey for coming to visit me at work last week!  It was so nice to see a face from home.

But enough with work!  I certainly didn’t intend to go on for it for an entire Word page…. Though, I really don’t do much besides work and sleep.  If it weren’t for breaks, I probably wouldn’t eat.  Working at Disney World fulltime is not as glamorous as imagined.  But we have fun!

We did go to Planet Hollywood for Katie’s birthday and I made the brownies but, unfortunately, discovered that they don’t turn out as well when you use a cookie sheet since you don’t have a brownie pan yet (this has since been modified). 

Now that we are done with training, we (well, Carey and I) have had a couple of exclusive Backstage opportunities! First was a special showing of Avatar in the Finding Nemo Theatre hosted by none another than DAK (Disney’s Animal Kingdom) VP, Josh D’Amaro, Avatar’s Executive Producer (i.e. James Cameron’s right hand man), Jon Landau, and Imaginear and lead designer for DAK, JOE ROHDE!!!!!!

I was so excited. I hate that my iPhone couldn’t get better photos.  :(

A week later, Carey and I had the opportunity to take a Backstage tour of Expedition Everest and get an up close and personal meet and greet with the Yeti herself! 

I got lots of pictures with her but I'm sad to say I’m not allowed to post them…. If you want to see them, send me a message! I’d love to show them off!  As it is, I am allowed to post the Onstage photos I got!

The fog was insane and made Everest look particularly realistic and spooky.

Our tour guide pointed out this shrine to us.  I’m sure many of you, like me, have passed it many times and never looked at it twice but you’ll notice it lines up perfectly with the mountains peaks.

The highest peak in the shrine houses the Yeti statue and that’s just where the Yeti resides.  I thought that was a really cool feature! 

We took that day to do Wilderness Explorers.  If you haven’t done it, you definitely need to next time you visit DAK!  Wilderness Explorers is based off of the Boy Scout-esque troop that Russell is a part of in the Disney-Pixar movie Up!  It takes you through the entire parks and makes sure you get a chance to see every animal exhibit DAK houses (yes, DAK is first and foremost a zoo. Who knew?!)  It was so fun even if we didn’t get a chance to finish it yet.

And I finally got to personally meet the BOSS! 

And his wife but who really cares about her?  (Long story, if you don't get it.)

We’ve been to the parks a lot even though we have now decided we are all going to take one of our typically two days off every week to rest.  Please note I have done absolutely nothing today.  Tomorrow, Carey and I are going to spend the day at (probably) Magic Kingdom!  I’ve seen a lot of Guests sporting a plush Stitch toboggan hat and I want one. :)

We've met a lot of our more celebrated Disney Cast Members.  Carey loves Tigger and I thought we were going to lose Katie for minute when she finally met Pooh Bear.

Probably the best character I’ve met yet would be Frozone from The Incredibles.  He is so much fun and is quickly getting a reputation across all the parks! 

I mean, how many people can say they’ve square danced with a superhero?

We’ve also done a lot of shopping.  I keep finding things I want!  My mother even had me buy another one of these mugs to send to her. (Do you like our new tablecloth?)

I’d also regretted not buying this hat the last time we were here.  (Selfie originally taken because it was ridiculously hot that day.  And this ridiculously hot day was also followed by four days of freezing rain. Gotta love Florida.)

And I am now officially a pin trader!  I figured I might as well drink the Kool-Aid.

Now, if you’ve visited Central Florida before, you may understand but these little guys are who really run the show.

They are EVERYWHERE.  And they are quite content to just chill next to you or run under your feet as you walk.  I probably see a dozen just when walking from my apartment door to my car.

Okay, I think that's about everything.  I really to buy a coffee maker.  I had been dying for a cup so badly that I found a Starbucks (in a Target) after 10 o’clock one night.

Oh, and, just as a note to anyone who comes down here, be careful where you get gas.  I got seriously ripped off at Shell a couple weeks ago.  I have since found out that Disney actually pays Hess so that they don’t prey upon Disney’s Guests.  So support Hess!  I know I will be.

I will try to post with more regularity in the future but I make no promises!

Until next time, love you all and COME SEE ME!!